Senin, 04 Desember 2017


Diposting oleh Unknown di 12.03
1. Full Block Style is a form of letter whose writing is all started from the left margin. that is, from the date, the contents, the closing words to the attachment written at the bottom of the writing starting from the left.

2. Semi Block Style is actually the same as the form of a straight letter, the difference lies in the writing of the contents of the letter and each new paragraph indented (go inside). in practice, the letter with this form is widely used by the company.

3. Indented Style the writing of the address on the letter is uneven or shaped like a ladder, and each new paragraph jutted inside

The Difference

  • Full Block Style : All parts of the letter are made with this form, in the type of the left margin.
  • Semi Block Style : Paragraph form is the same as indent style. All parts of letters are typed as straight form. Except the contents of the letter. The date position is on the right after the letterhead. The address, reference, subject, and greetings are on the left. The signature is on the right.
  • Indented Style : The difference lies in writing the destination address. Writing a jagged destination address, ie writing the first line of the destination address starting from the left margin, the second line jabbing the five strokes from the beginning of the first line then the third line jabbing the five pounds from the second line, and so on. While the contents of the letter typed from the left margin, with the provision that each new alenia into five spaces.

Example Request Letter

Eagle Baseball Team
Pahoman street No. 123
November 23rd , 2016

Mr. M. Leandro
Chief of Syrup Marjuss Production
Oldsticky Food Company
456 Maple Lane
Forest, ON 7W8 9Y0

Dear Mr. Leandro:
Let me, as the representative of my team, begin by thanking you for your past contributions to our baseball team. Your sponsorship supports in the purchase of ten full uniforms and all of baseball equipment we needed last year's season were so valuable.
Next month, our team is planning a player appreciation pancake breakfast honoring retired players for their past years of participation and present players for their loyalty and dedication in spite of the current difficult economic conditions in our team.
We would like to place an order with your company for 30 pounds of pancake mix and four gallons of maple syrup. We hope you will be able to provide these products as many as we require.
As you are a committed corporate sponsor and long-time associate, we hope that you will be able to join us for breakfast on December 22nd, 2016.

Respectfully yours,

Darker Jeter Smith
Eagle Baseball Team Manager

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